path: root/src/parallel-decoder.lisp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/parallel-decoder.lisp')
1 files changed, 136 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/parallel-decoder.lisp b/src/parallel-decoder.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9af1ceb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/parallel-decoder.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+;; This file is part of eris-cl.
+;; Copyright (C) 2022 Piotr SzarmaƄski
+;; eris-cl is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+;; terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
+;; Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+;; later versqion.
+;; eris-cl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+;; WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+;; A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+;; eris-cl. If not, see <>.
+(in-package :eris)
+(defun split-list-equally (list parts)
+ (let* ((len (length list))
+ (mod (mod len parts))
+ (base (/ (- len mod) parts)))
+ (if (< len parts)
+ (map 'list #'list list)
+ (loop with pos = 0
+ for i from (1- parts) downto 0
+ collecting (subseq
+ list
+ pos
+ (if (<= mod i)
+ (setf pos (+ pos base))
+ (setf pos (+ pos base 1))))))))
+(defun mem-write-vector (vector ptr &optional (offset 0) (count (length vector)))
+ (declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8)) vector)
+ (type fixnum offset count))
+ (declare (optimize ;; (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0)
+ (debug 3)))
+ (loop for i below count
+ for off from offset
+ do (setf (cffi:mem-ref ptr :unsigned-char off) (aref vector i))))
+(defclass reference-pair+ (reference-pair)
+ ((index :initarg :index :accessor index :type (integer 0 32768))))
+(defun map-over-key-references (function block)
+ (loop for i from 0 to (1- (/ (length block) 64))
+ for key-ref = (octets-to-reference-pair (subseq-shared block (* 64 i)))
+ until (key-reference-null? key-ref)
+ do (funcall function key-ref i)))
+(defun decode-blocks (reference-pair-list level block-capacity fetch-function output-file cache-capacity last-block)
+ (lambda ()
+ (mmap:with-mmap (addr fd size output-file :open :write :protection :write :mmap :shared)
+ (let ((get-block (cached-lambda (:cache-class 'lru-cache
+ :capacity cache-capacity
+ :table (make-hash-table :size (1+ cache-capacity) :test #'equalp))
+ (reference key &optional nonce)
+ (let* ((block (execute-fetch-function fetch-function reference)))
+ (unless block (error 'missing-block :reference reference))
+ (hash-check block reference)
+ (decrypt-block block key nonce))))
+ (nonce-array (initialize-nonce-array level)))
+ (labels ((descend (level reference-pair block-id)
+ (let ((block (funcall get-block (reference reference-pair) (key reference-pair) (aref nonce-array level))))
+ (if (zerop level)
+ (if (= last-block block-id)
+ (mem-write-vector block addr (* 64 block-capacity block-id) (unpad-block block))
+ (mem-write-vector block addr (* 64 block-capacity block-id)))
+ ;; (bordeaux-threads:with-lock-held (lock)
+ ;; (file-position stream (* 64 block-capacity block-id))
+ ;; (write-sequence block stream))
+ (map-over-key-references
+ (lambda (key-ref i)
+ (descend (1- level) key-ref (+ i (* block-capacity block-id))))
+ block)))))
+ (mapc (lambda (key-ref)
+ (descend level key-ref (index key-ref)))
+ reference-pair-list))))))
+(defun eris-decode-parallel (read-capability fetch-function output-file
+ &key (cache-capacity 4096) (threads 4) (initial-bindings bordeaux-threads:*default-special-bindings*))
+ "Decode an ERIS READ-CAPABILITY in parallel using THREADS threads into a file
+designated by OUTPUT-FILE.
+Fetch-function must be a function with one argument, the reference octet, which
+returns a (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8)) containing the block. The block will
+be destructively modified, so you MUST provide a fresh array every time. In
+addition, the function MUST be thread-safe.
+CACHE-CAPACITY indicates the total amount of blocks stored for all threads. Each
+thread has its own cache."
+ (declare (type read-capability read-capability)
+ (type function fetch-function)
+ (type integer cache-capacity))
+ (with-slots (level block-size root-reference-pair) read-capability
+ (let ((root (decrypt-block (execute-fetch-function fetch-function (reference root-reference-pair))
+ (key root-reference-pair)
+ (make-nonce level))))
+ (when (> level 0) (hash-check root (key root-reference-pair)))
+ (case level
+ (0 (with-open-file (file output-file :direction :output :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
+ (write-sequence root file :end (unpad-block root))))
+ (t (let* ((initial-list
+ (loop for i from 0 to (/ block-size 64)
+ for key-ref = (octets-to-reference-pair (subseq-shared root (* 64 i)))
+ until (key-reference-null? key-ref)
+ collect key-ref))
+ (list (split-list-equally
+ (loop for i from 0 to (1- (length initial-list))
+ collecting (change-class (elt initial-list i) 'reference-pair+ :index i))
+ threads))
+ ;; (lock (bordeaux-threads:make-lock "stream-lock"))
+ (eof (find-eof root
+ (lambda (reference key nonce)
+ (let* ((block (execute-fetch-function fetch-function reference)))
+ (unless block (error 'missing-block :reference reference))
+ (hash-check block reference)
+ (decrypt-block block key nonce)))
+ block-size
+ level)))
+ (let ((fd (osicat-posix:creat output-file #o666)))
+ (osicat-posix:posix-fallocate fd 0 eof)
+ (osicat-posix:close fd))
+ (map 'nil #'bordeaux-threads:join-thread
+ (map 'list (lambda (reference-pairs)
+ (bordeaux-threads:make-thread
+ (decode-blocks reference-pairs
+ (1- level)
+ (/ block-size 64)
+ fetch-function
+ output-file
+ (truncate (/ cache-capacity threads))
+ (truncate (/ eof block-size)))
+ :initial-bindings initial-bindings))
+ list))))))))