path: root/src/eris-decode.lisp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/eris-decode.lisp')
1 files changed, 291 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/eris-decode.lisp b/src/eris-decode.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7575ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eris-decode.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+;; This file is part of eris-cl.
+;; Copyright (C) 2022 Piotr SzarmaƄski
+;; eris-cl is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+;; terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
+;; Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+;; later versqion.
+;; eris-cl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+;; WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+;; A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+;; eris-cl. If not, see <>.
+(in-package :eris)
+(defvar *decode-safety-checks* t
+ "If set to nil, disable computationally expensive safety checks that ensure the
+fetched blocks are what they claim to be. Only disable this if the blocks are
+fetched from a trusted party.")
+(defmacro hash-check (block hash)
+ `(when *decode-safety-checks*
+ (let ((hash (ironclad:digest-sequence :blake2/256 ,block)))
+ (unless (equalp ,hash hash)
+ (error 'hash-mismatch :reference ,hash :hash hash )))))
+(defun key-reference-null? (kr)
+ (and (equalp (reference kr) null-secret)
+ (equalp (key kr) null-secret)))
+(defclass high-block ()
+ ((data :initarg :data :accessor data :type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8)))
+ (position :initarg :position :accessor pos :type integer
+ :documentation "Position relative to the higher block.")
+ (level :initarg :level :accessor level :type (unsigned-byte 8))))
+(defclass buffer ()
+ ((data :initarg :data :accessor data :type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8)))
+ (pos :initarg :pos :accessor pos :type fixnum)
+ (eof :initarg :eof :accessor eof :type fixnum
+ :documentation "Either the position of the EOF in the buffer, or the length of the buffer.")))
+(defclass eris-decode-stream (fundamental-binary-input-stream)
+ ((position :initform 0 :accessor pos :initarg :position :type integer)
+ (get-block :accessor get-block :initarg :get-block :type function)
+ (block-size :accessor block-size :type block-size :initarg :block-size)
+ (root :accessor root :type high-block :initarg :root :documentation "A list of blocks, starting from the root to the level 1 block.")
+ (buffer :accessor buffer :initarg :buffer :type buffer)
+ (eof :accessor eof :initarg :eof :type integer)
+ (nonce-array :accessor nonce-array :initarg :nonce-array :type simple-array)))
+(defun initialize-nonce-array (level)
+ (let ((array (make-array (1+ level))))
+ (loop for i from 0 to level
+ do (setf (aref array i) (make-nonce i)))
+ array))
+(defun unpad-block (block)
+ (let ((padding (position #x80 block :from-end t)))
+ (unless padding
+ (error 'padding-error))
+ (unless (loop for i across (subseq-shared block (1+ padding))
+ always (zerop i))
+ (error 'padding-error))
+ padding))
+(defun unpad-buffer (buffer)
+ (with-slots (eof data) buffer
+ (setf eof
+ (unpad-block data))))
+(defun ls (level block-size)
+ (declare ;; (type (unsigned-byte 8) level)
+ (type block-size block-size))
+ (ecase block-size
+ (1024 (expt 2 (+ 10 (* level 4))))
+ (32768 (expt 2 (+ 15 (* level 9))))))
+(defun find-eof (root get-block block-size level)
+ "Find the end of file in a given tree."
+ ;; The standard states that:
+ ;; If 64 bytes of zeroes are encountered the rest of the node MUST be checked to be all zeroes
+ ;; This procedure processes the block from right to left so it's not really applicable here
+ (flet ((find-last-reference (block)
+ (loop for i from (1- (/ block-size 64)) downto 0
+ for key-reference = (octets-to-reference-pair (subseq-shared block (* 64 i)))
+ unless (key-reference-null? key-reference)
+ return (values key-reference i))))
+ (loop with position = 0
+ for local-level = level then (1- local-level)
+ for block = root then (funcall get-block (reference key-reference) (key key-reference) (make-nonce local-level))
+ for (key-reference block-pos) = (multiple-value-list (find-last-reference block))
+ if (eql 0 local-level)
+ do (setf position (+ position (unpad-block block)))
+ and return position
+ else
+ do (setf position (+ position (* block-pos (ls (1- local-level) block-size)))))))
+(defun advance-next-block (stream)
+ "Advance to the next block. This function is called by update-buffer."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3) (debug 0)))
+ (with-slots (buffer position eof block-size root get-block nonce-array) stream
+ (declare (type integer position eof)
+ (type block-size block-size)
+ #+sbcl (sb-ext:muffle-conditions sb-ext:compiler-note))
+ (labels ((process-block (blocks mod level) ;; A recursive function that 1+'s each block until the
+ (declare (type fixnum mod))
+ (let* ((current (car blocks))
+ (next-pos (setf (pos current)
+ (mod (the fixnum (1+ (the fixnum (pos current)))) mod))))
+ (declare (type high-block current)
+ (type fixnum next-pos))
+ (when (zerop next-pos) ;; if 1+ mod blocks results in a zero, then update the next block
+ (process-block (cdr blocks) mod (1+ level)))
+ (let ((kr (octets-to-reference-pair
+ (subseq-shared (data (cadr blocks))
+ (the fixnum (* next-pos 64))))))
+ (setf (data current)
+ (funcall get-block (reference kr) (key kr) (svref nonce-array level)))))))
+ (process-block (reverse root) (/ block-size 64) 0) ;; process the blocks from level 0 up
+ ;; setf the buffer data to the level 0 block
+ (setf (data buffer)
+ (data (car (last root))))
+ ;; if the EOF block is reached, unpad it.
+ (when (= (- eof (mod eof block-size)) position)
+ (unpad-buffer buffer)))))
+(defun read-to-seq (sequence buf &key (start 0) (end (length sequence)) stream)
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3) (debug 0))
+ (type integer end start sum)
+ #+sbcl (sb-ext:muffle-conditions sb-ext:compiler-note))
+ (with-slots (data pos eof) buf
+ (declare (type (integer 0 32768) pos eof)
+ (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8)) data))
+ (let ((buffer-bytes (- eof pos))
+ (seq-bytes (- end start)))
+ (declare (dynamic-extent buffer-bytes seq-bytes)
+ (type integer seq-bytes)
+ (type (integer 0 32768) buffer-bytes))
+ (cond
+ ((> buffer-bytes seq-bytes) ;; seq is smaller than buffer case
+ (replace sequence data :start1 start :end1 end :start2 pos)
+ (setf pos (+ pos seq-bytes)
+ (pos stream) (+ (pos stream) seq-bytes))
+ (+ start seq-bytes))
+ ((eql eof (length data)) ;; seq is larger or equal than buffer case
+ (replace sequence data :start1 start :end1 end :start2 pos)
+ (setf pos 0
+ (pos stream) (+ (pos stream) buffer-bytes))
+ (advance-next-block stream)
+ (read-to-seq sequence buf :start (+ start buffer-bytes) :end end :stream stream))
+ (t ;; if there is an eof in the buffer
+ (replace sequence data :start1 start :end1 end :start2 pos :end2 eof)
+ (setf pos (+ pos buffer-bytes)
+ (pos stream) (+ (pos stream) buffer-bytes))
+ (+ start buffer-bytes))))))
+(defun reupdate-block (stream new-pos)
+ "Update the blocks of the stream according to new-pos. Used for random access and initialization."
+ (unless (root stream)
+ (error 'eof :eof new-pos :position (pos stream)))
+ (with-slots (block-size root get-block buffer nonce-array eof) stream
+ (loop with update-tree = nil
+ for blocks = root then (cdr blocks)
+ for level = (level (car blocks)) ;; then (decf level)
+ for position = new-pos then (mod position (ls (1- level) block-size)) ;; local position
+ for block-position = (floor (/ position (ls (1- level) block-size))) ;; the position of the block
+ for lower-block = (second blocks)
+ when (> block-position (/ block-size 64))
+ do (error 'eof :eof new-pos :position (pos stream))
+ until (eq nil (cdr blocks))
+ when (or update-tree (not (eq block-position (pos lower-block))))
+ do (let ((rk (octets-to-reference-pair
+ (subseq-shared (data (car blocks))
+ (* 64 block-position)))))
+ (when (key-reference-null? rk)
+ (error 'eof :eof new-pos :position (pos stream)))
+ (setf (data lower-block) (funcall get-block (reference rk) (key rk) (svref nonce-array (1- level)))
+ (pos lower-block) block-position
+ update-tree t))
+ finally (when update-tree ;; if anything changed
+ (setf (pos stream) new-pos
+ (data buffer) (data (car (last root)))
+ (pos buffer) (mod new-pos block-size))
+ (if (= (- eof (mod eof block-size)) new-pos)
+ (unpad-buffer buffer)
+ (setf (eof buffer) block-size))))))
+(defun initialize-high-blocks (level)
+ (case level
+ (-1 nil)
+ (t (cons (make-instance 'high-block :level level :position -1 :data (make-array 0 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
+ (initialize-high-blocks (1- level))))))
+(defun eris-decode (read-capability fetch-function &key (cache-capacity 2048))
+ "With a given fetch-function, return a stream that decodes the read-capability.
+Fetch-function must be a function with one argument, the reference octet, which
+returns a (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8)) containing the block. The block will
+be destructively modified, so you MUST provide a fresh array every time. If a
+hash-table is used, a (copy-seq) needs to be done on the return value of
+gethash. "
+ (with-slots (level block-size root-reference-pair) read-capability
+ (let* ((get-block (cached-lambda (:cache-class 'lru-cache
+ :capacity cache-capacity
+ :table (make-hash-table :size (1+ cache-capacity) :test #'equalp))
+ (reference key &optional nonce)
+ (let* ((block (funcall fetch-function reference)))
+ (hash-check block reference)
+ (if block
+ (decrypt-block block key nonce)
+ (error 'missing-block :reference reference)))))
+ (root (funcall get-block (reference root-reference-pair) (key root-reference-pair) (make-nonce level))))
+ ;; "Implementations MUST verify the key appearing in the read capability
+ ;; if level of encoded content is larger than 0."
+ ;;(when (> level 0) (hash-check root (key root-reference-pair)))
+ (case level
+ ;; Treat level 0 blocks specially, since those are just a single buffer.
+ (0 (let ((stream
+ (make-instance 'eris-decode-stream
+ :buffer (make-instance 'buffer
+ :data (make-array block-size :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
+ :pos 0
+ :eof -1)
+ :get-block (lambda (reference key)
+ (declare (ignore key))
+ (error 'missing-block :reference reference))
+ :block-size block-size
+ :root nil
+ :eof (find-eof root get-block block-size level)
+ :nonce-array (initialize-nonce-array 0))))
+ (replace (data (buffer stream)) root)
+ (unpad-buffer (buffer stream))
+ stream))
+ (t (make-instance 'eris-decode-stream
+ :buffer (make-instance 'buffer
+ :data (make-array block-size :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
+ :pos -1
+ :eof block-size)
+ :get-block get-block
+ :block-size block-size
+ :root (cons (make-instance 'high-block :level level
+ :data root
+ :position 0)
+ (initialize-high-blocks (1- level)))
+ :eof (find-eof root get-block block-size level)
+ :nonce-array (initialize-nonce-array level)))))))
+(defmethod stream-file-position ((stream eris-decode-stream) &optional (set-position nil))
+ "Provides the file position of the stream. If the optional second argument is
+set, try to move the stream to that position. It may signal an EOF condition if
+the new position is beyond the end of file.."
+ ;; NOTE: this should accept a "file-spec", which I believe is either an int, a
+ ;; :start or an :end. This only accepts a number.
+ (with-slots (position block-size buffer eof) stream
+ (when set-position
+ (let ((buffer-pos (mod set-position block-size)))
+ (if (< set-position eof)
+ (cond
+ ;; If the pos is within the buffer (and initialized):
+ ((and (<= 0 (- set-position (- position (pos buffer))) (1- block-size))
+ (not (minusp (pos buffer))))
+ (setf (pos buffer) buffer-pos
+ position set-position))
+ (t (reupdate-block stream set-position)
+ (setf (pos buffer) buffer-pos)))
+ (error 'eof :eof eof :position position))))
+ position))
+(defmethod stream-read-sequence ((stream eris-decode-stream) seq &optional (start 0) (end (length seq)))
+ (when (minusp (pos (buffer stream)))
+ ;; initializes the buffer
+ (reupdate-block stream (pos stream)))
+ (with-slots (buffer position) stream
+ (read-to-seq seq buffer :start start :end (if end end (length seq)) :stream stream)))
+(defmethod stream-read-byte ((stream eris-decode-stream))
+ nil)
+(defmethod stream-element-type ((stream eris-decode-stream))
+ '(unsigned-byte 8))
+(defun eris-file-length (stream)
+ (eof stream))